星期三, 7月 13, 2011

X戰警:第一戰X-Men: First Class (2011)

X-Men First Class is probably the best superhero flick this year. (Considering The Dark Knight Rises won't be released until 2012)

Director Matthew Vaughn successfully breathes life back into the X-Men franchise with its all-star cast and a more relationship based touch. Well said by rikerdonegal, this movie is basically a bromance. The tension and brotherhood between Erik and Charles is electric, and I especially admire that director takes the time to detail the past of Eric that paves the way for he and Charles' inevitable differences.
James McAvoy and Kevin Bacon rocks too(it still amazes me how come Kevin hasn't changed a bit), as well as other supporting characters, but I think it's Michael Fassbender's exceptional performance that upholds this movie. I personally wouldn't mind seeing a lot more of him as younger Magneto in the sequel. 
